
SACC operates starting at 6:30 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m.

All schedule changes are due on the Eleyo site by 6:00pm THURSDAY prior to the week of care.

If a schedule is not received by Thursday, care will not be given. 

Key Things to remember:

  • Children that are not scheduled to attend S.A.C.C., will not be allowed to have S.A.C.C. care that day.
  • Your child(ren) will only be allowed to sign up for SACC on when they are in attendance for school.

  • Failure to turn in 2 weeks of consecutive schedules, will result in dismissal from the program. 

School-Age Child Care (SACC)

The School-Age Child Care Program is licensed by the Department of Human Services to provide child care supervision for children whose parents are working or who are not at home immediately before or after regular school hours.